Monday, January 4, 2016

01.04.16-Wow, didn't see this coming this morning.

China is showing some major cracks with a 7% collapse and has shut down for the day. This isn't good, anytime a circuit breaker is used it creates even more panic, thought process is how much worse in a day could it have become. I guess we will see if cooler heads prevail tomorrow. This drop is sending shock waves through all of the markets inducing the DOW being off over 400 pts in 2 hours of trading. Watch retailer stocks if they start selling off we have an idea of the Holiday retail numbers without seeing them yet. None of this is good for our retirement accounts but we can make up for it in sales.
We are seeing a race to safety in treasuries as people are looking for safe havens to store their money without major losses they are looking at in the stock market. Half a day into the new trading year and we are seeing geopolitical spats with Iran and Saudi Arabia which can create havoc in the oil markets. Then we have China and it's controlled markets creating huge swings that ripple through the rest of the world.
So far "HAVOC" is the word that comes to mind to start 2016. How do we watch this out of the corner of our eye and not ruin our mind set? Always remember Havoc  in other types of markets is a friend to real estate by chasing money to the safety of investing in real estate or investing in treasuries and mortgage backed securities. The crazier the stock markets get the better our rates are and what we may lose in our retirement plans can be doubled by a record breaking 2016 in sales and closings! This should be a great rate week so any leftovers from 2015 can take advantage of 2016's great rates. Tie those shoes tight and let's start our march to the top!!

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