Wednesday, December 16, 2015

12.16.15- FED DAY! It's all over but the waiting.

It is all coming together and today is the day. US lifts oil exports, oil continues to drop, all of yesterday gains in energy stocks are being given back and gains have moved to other sectors mainly banking. Other then housing starts I will expand on that further in today's post, the other 3 reports out this morning are lower than expected. All helpful signs that the FED increase will be a .25 increase instead of the 83% who see a .50% increase. Mortgage Backed Securities are moving with some losses in government loan rates and Fannie, Freddie flat to slight gains for conventional lending.
Watched Sam Zell  on Bloomberg GO this morning and he spoke of continued hot housing market. He certainly is plain spoken, he basically said if you were building a million homes a year, years ago and now only build on average 500k  what else can it be but HOT! And with the housing starts today being up 10.5% it certain shows it is taking off. But we are still short on new single family starts and with a mild start to the winter it is extending the building season. This will get us a head start on 2016 inventories. But remember housing starts include apartment buildings which is the majority of the 10.5% gains. 
This afternoon's release will let us know if our first quarter plans are inline or can we create a back up plan for our success in 2016! I am ready, let's get this announcement over with and prepare for a record 2016!

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